Hi everyone
Welcome to the first Wizzy News of the season in these somewhat challenging times.
Please see message below from our Club Chairman Tarnie Dixon.
COVID-19 Update
We hope you, your family and your loved ones are safe and healthy at this remarkable time in our history. It will come as no surprise that the professional and recreational cricket season will be significantly disrupted by the current circumstances and it is likely that cricket will not be played on the Green until July at the earliest.
We do very much hope that we will be able to play cricket in the second half of the season. We encourage both colts and senior players to remain active and there is no shortage of things that can be done to support your cricketing skills whilst at home with the family.
Over the next few weeks we shall be sending you weekly copies of Wizzy News including tips and tricks on how to help develop your cricketing knowledge and skills whilst at home. It would be great if you could share how you are getting on with practising cricket whilst at home.
Wishing you all a very safe and healthy time and we will keep you posted with the latest information through Wizzy News and the WGCC website (www.wisboroughgreencc.co.uk)
Tarnie Dixon
Wisborough Green Cricket Club
Registration forms
In the next few weeks we be sending out a link to our online registration forms on the basis that cricket will commence in some form from July. Both our Junior and Senior leagues have penciled in fixtures from July , and games will only be played subject to ECB and government guidelines.
We would like to encourage all our players to start preparing for the season and we will be sending out some coaching tips on a weekly basis.
Coaching points
This week’s first coaching point is all about the stance. Please click on the link below for a demonstration by Tarnie Dixon. http://www.wisboroughgreencc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Stance.mp4
The second coaching video covers a number of very simple batting drills that can be done at home. The drill involving the strapping of a stump to the forearm is particularly good and well worth watching.
Head, Shoulders, knees and toes challenge
Every week we would like to send out a challenge to our Colts players . This week its the ‘Head Shoulders, knees and toes’ challenge. Please click on the link below to see the challenge as demonstrated by Tarnie Dixon (apologies in advance for the sniggers in the background from the younger generation …)
If the challenge is successfully executed, please send us a video clip to our email address wisboroughgreencc@gmail.com and we will include the name on the Honours board for next week. It goes without saying that Tarnie’s name wont be appearing on the Honours Board next week unless of course he sends in another video clip proving the successful completion of the challenge … 🙂
The Green
Many thanks to Ken Vickery who has put a huge amount of time and effort into preparing the Green which is looking fantastic. Thanks also to the work party who while adhering to the social distancing rules went around the Green filling a number of holes.

ZOOM quizz
Congratulations to The Calder Smiths on their victory in the inaugural Zoom quizz expertly hosted by master quizzmaster Peter Mattock on Sunday evening . A total of 7 teams were put through their paces in 9 testing rounds. This will hopefully be the first of many such quizzes.
And finally ….
Spotted out and about …

That’s it for this week – If there is anything we need to know, you know where to find us.
Have a great week
Stay safe