Welcome to our final Wizzy News for the Season whcih includes pics from our end of season event, end of season honours boards for our various age groups and some previoulsy published pics taken during the season
End of Season awards
Pics from our End of season awards on 30 Sept at the Bat and Ball

Senior Honours Boards
Congratulations to all the seniors
Second X2
The Second XI had a season of extreme ups and downs and ended up with 6 wins, 10 loses and 1 match conceded. On a good day the 2s could beat the best in the league however we did not have enough consistency in players and performance to maintain those levels throughout the season. Depsite this there were some notable performances – Ran Dawson had 6 innings and ended up with a total of 241 runs with a top score of 81 and an average of 50. Ollie Stott had 3 innings including a 99 and 90 not out with an amazing average of 97. Matt Ritchie had 5 innings and scored 168 runs with an impressive average of 84. With the ball Joshua Dixon ended up with 19 wickets and a best of 6 for 20, Frank Vickery was close behind with 16 and a best of 4 for 16. Both Oscar and Ollie Warmington bowled very well and ended up with bests of 3 for 41 and 4 for 20 respectively.
All in all despite the challenges there was a great team spirit and it was fun.

Ladies Team

Player of the Year Jen Cambell ably demontrating how to hold a glass of wine while fielding and bowling

Under 15 Girls
Under 14

Under 13 Girls

Under 12
U12 end of Season Report
As the autumn shadows lengthen over the cricket field we can reflect on a worthy season for the U12 squad of players.
With only very few actual Under 12’s in the squad, the rest made up of U11’s and some U10’s, staying in the top division was always going to be a difficult task. The squad very quickly bonded and developed a genuine team spirit enabling them to produce some confident performances against more experienced opposition.
There is much to be lauded in the mid-table finish, an impressive feat given that there were only two home league fixtures in the entire season.
We would like to say a massive thank you to Tom Dawson and Pete Aspdin for umpiring and Kirsty Dawson and Bobby Boyce for scoring, without their help the matches simply would not happen. We would also like to acknowledge the commitment and input of Jon Finn, Peter Klein and Tarni Dixon for all of the planning that goes into a season and to all of the other volunteer coaches for the ideas that have been shared.
Good luck to our players heading up to the U14 squad at the start of the next summer.
Philip and Dave.
Under 11 Girls
Under 10

Under 8/9

Under 5,6 and 7

Spotted out and about …..
2021 and 2022 in a nutshell…
The weather played a major role in our cricketing season
We did our bit to try and make things a bit cooler
The England ladies football team won the Euros – we were one of the first publications to annouce the Men’s team for Quatar
We worked out how far the Proclaimers had to walk ….
We established that the best things in life arent always free ..
We reminded our readers that they cant just park anywhere ..
We advised all our readers to keep working hard…
We passed on some good advice from a tree …
We had a little chuckle at others expense …
We advised our readers to avoid being ‘under the rest ‘ ..
Hard evidence shoing that Waitrose stick to their promises …
We advised our readers to always look left and right (or is that right and left ) before they crossed a road …
Our vote for the next Prime Minister

In case anyone needs reminding
Chairman’s end of season wrapup
2022 has been an incredibly successful season for WGCC. The 1st XI gained promotion to Division 4 after beating the best in the league with strong team performances throughout the season. Ladies cricket has been established for the first time at WGCC and the girls junior section is going from strength to strength. We had over 150 junior registrations in 2022 (including 75 in the U5s, U6s & U7s). Our very own lead coach (for the U5s, U6s & U7s), Alen Lang, was awarded ‘ECB Coach of the Year’ through the Sussex Foundation at the County Ground in front of a capacity crowd on Sunday 14th August. These are the highlights however I am aware that so much more has been acheived this season which is all down to the many volunteers who dedicate their time and enthusiasm in helping others to enjoy the game of cricket. Many thanks to all the volunteers who support WGCC – you have all been amazing and as a result many more have benefited. Looking forward to the 2023 season.
The final word
And finally – from the World’s Greatest Philosopher
That’s it for this season – see you in the Spring