Welcome to the 2024 cricket season
Welcome to the 2024 cricket season. For those who are new to the club a very warm Wisborough welcome, and a particular welcome to Wizzy News – our weekly roundup of news and events at Wisborough Green Cricket Club.
Regular readers will know the format of Wizzy News – a bit of news about cricket, information about what’s going on in the community , and a good old chuckle about this and that. We don’t take ourselves too seriously at the club and we enjoy having a dig at players and personalities at the club, so if you’re important enough to be a target of our humour please take it as a compliment. Please click here for back copies of our Wizzy News newsletters which have all been posted in the ‘newsletter’ link on our web site.
We are all looking forward to a fantastic cricket season. This year is going to be particularly special as its the very first time that our under 13 Girls will be playing league cricket. Judging by their first training session last Friday , they are going to have a fantastic season.
Despite the somewhat iffy weather on Friday we had a great turnout at the first Friday evening training session on the Green.
Can you help in any way ?
We are expecting over 200 juniors to enjoy playing cricket this year which is in itself a major undertaking. There is an increasingly smaller group of volunteers who put a lot of effort to keep the show on the road and we would welcome support from parents – particularly scorers , umpires , tea makers etc etc . If you are able to help in any way please do let us know. We could do with a lot more help – even if its on an occasional basis !
Introducing our new Club President
We are delighted that James Sadler has been appointed our New Club President. James captained the First X1 for many years and has had a long association with the club.
James has written a message to everyone at the club introducing himself and giving some background to his involvement in the club. He has also announced the appointment of new Vice Presidents at the Club. Please do read James’ message by clicking on the following link : Message from our new Club President
James has also written a short message to the club which appears at the front of our 2024 fixture card. In the message he talks about our identity as a club which should be a mandatory read for all players – juniors and seniors – before they put on the Wisborough Green shirt and represent the club. Hard copies of the fixture card are available in the Pavilion but Please click here for an electronic version of the fixture card
Club 200
We had the first Club 200 draw of the season on Friday evening.
By way of background Club 200, formerly known as the Century Club, is one of the club’s main fundraising activities. Established by a past President Ray Greatorex, the Century club has grown in numbers from 100 to now just over 200 tickets. Half the funds raised are returned in cash prizes for the ticket holders. The other half supports the cost of running Wisborough Green Cricket Club for the enjoyment of players and supporters in the heart of our beautiful village.
Congratulations to the following winners – your cheques are in the post to you
- £250 : Richard Mellor
- £150 :Fraser Hardie
- £100 : Lesley Wright
- £75 : Simon Cheesman
- £50 : Bryan Mason
If you have any queries about Club200, or would like to take part, please get in touch via email – wisboroughgreencenturyclub@gmail.com
Parking on Friday evening
Just a quick reminder about parking. We all look forward to our Juniors training sessions on Fridays, but with this comes a pressure on parking around the Green. We therefore ask you to walk to the Green if possible and be considerate when parking avoiding the verges around the playground area and Butts Meadow. Please also be mindful of the implication of your parking on the flow of traffic around the Green – we obviously want to avoid any unnecessary risks caused by the build-up of traffic. There is additional parking to be found in the Village Hall car park, so please do make use of it if you can.
Honours Boards
Every week we recognise achievements of our players by including their names on our Honours Boards. We know how much our players both young and not so young enjoy seeing their names on the board and we would appeal to all parents to make sure that their children see the Honours Boards
Congratulations to all the Under 5,6 and 7’s who have been recognised this week – how nice to have the Honours Board all to yourselves. Well done !
Junior Girls Coach
We are delighted to welcome Katie Waters to the Girls coaching team. Katie comes with a lot of knowledge and experience in the game and judging by the girls reaction to their first training session on Friday evening they are in for a great season
Information on each age group and registrations
We have a lot of useful information about our various age groups on our Juniors web page – Please click here
Existing members should have received their renewal emails a few weeks ago. If you missed the email and would like to register again this season, please let us know and we will resend the email to you.
New members can register via the Wisborough Green Sports MyClubhouse site by clicking here.
We have lots of information on our ‘Ordering Kit ‘ web page including a link to the Gray Nicholls Store online store where kit can be purchased. The web page includes some useful videos on how to choose the right junior bat , how to choose the right bat size and how much you should spend on a junior bat. We have also included details of helmet sizes and a pads size guide.
We have brought out a new range of hats for players to wear – slightly different colours for juniors (£10) , ladies (£12) and senior men (£15). We would like all players to wear the new Wisborough Green hats which enhances our identity as a team. Hats can be purchased from Chris Marshall who will be at the Pav on Friday evening.
All of our age group fixtures are available on the ECB’s Placycricket website – please click here
Our under 12’s are kicking off the season with a game on the Green on Saturday morning at 9:30 – please do come along and support them if you can.
Our Ladies team have their first game against Chiddingfold away on Sunday and our men have their first friendly Sunday home warmup game against Ancient Mariners starting at 2pm
All fixtures are listed in our official Fixture card, copies of which available in the Pavilion. Please click here for an electronic version of the fixture card.
…and finally
Every week we like to finish off Wizzy News with something we can all have a chuckle about . This week it is something we can all no doubt relate to …
That’s it for this week.
If there is anything we need to know about please get in touch
Have a great cricketing week 🏏😊