Club 200, formerly known as the Century Club, is one of the club’s main fundraising activities. Established by a past President Ray Greatorex, the Century club has grown in numbers from 100 to now just over 200 tickets.
Half the funds raised are returned in cash prizes for the ticket holders. The other half supports the cost of running Wisborough Green Cricket Club for the enjoyment of players and supporters in the heart of our beautiful village.
Tickets are £25 for the year, to include four draws held at:
• the AGM (January)
• the first day of Junior training on the green (April)
• Presidents Day (June)
• the End of Season dinner and awards (September)
There is currently a chance to win one of five prizes at each draw, up to £250 for 1st prize.
We would very much like to include more ticket holders to increase the number of cash prizes, and we welcome you to support this fundraising activity. If you have any queries about Club200, or would like to take part, please get in touch via email – wisboroughgreencenturyclub@gmail.com
Alternatively, please do complete the standing order mandate attached below, and forward to our Club Treasurer Bex Samuelson at the address shown on mandate.
Many thanks, and good luck in the next draw!
Click here to download the Century club Standing Order Mandate app